How Brands Can Benefit from Work-from-Home Workforces

0 comments, 29/05/2020, by , in General

Since the dawn of time, most people have had to report to work based on the mandates of their employers. This has often required people showing up to job sites, farms or other places outside of the home. For many, the daily commute to and from work is a struggle, resulting in wasted time and money.

However, technology now connects businesses and customers in ways that were only a dream a few decades ago. With recent disruptions to commerce and day-to-day life, millions have found the ability to work from home thanks to needed changes made by their employers. As it turns out, many people can work from home, and many brands need not maintain full-time physical workspaces for employees.

Today, let’s examine how brands can actually benefit from work-from-home situations rather than typical, traditional work schedules and situations.

Greater Happiness

It cannot be understated just how much of a morale boost is lost for workers who have to begrudgingly report to a 9-to-5 job every day. Most office work spaces are unnatural settings: everything from ergonomics to lighting often skews the physical and mental well-being of employees.

By offering the opportunity to work from home instead of being confined to office spaces, your brand can give its employees a boost in happiness and morale. This ultimately can manifest in a variety of ways, but employees who no longer have to spend that extra time in the mornings getting ready, commuting and otherwise wasting time to do what they can do from home will simply be happier and more productive workers.

Less Turnover

Worker turnover is a huge problem in modern society. Employees who aren’t treated well will inevitably seek opportunities elsewhere. In a world where people can instantly start pinging websites for job openings, being as competitive as possible as a company is essential.

Studies have shown that workers who work from home tend to stay with their employers for a longer period of time than those who commute traditionally (even when controlled for occupation/industry).

Increased Positive Competition

Businesses and brands that require physical attendance at work are creating one major disadvantage for themselves: a lack of competition. Whereas traditional employee models require individuals to reside within a local area, adopting a work-from-home model allows brands to hire people from anywhere in the world.

Suddenly, brands can hire the best and most talented people from anywhere on the planet. By reducing costs associated with relocating, you can also attract skilled non-local employees for slightly less in wages or salaries than you’d otherwise have to pay.

Minimized Costs

Last but not least, let’s keep in mind that businesses adopting a work-from-home model can reduce expenditures in a variety of ways. Not only can businesses that work from home adjust wages to compensate for the lack of commuting costs for employees, but these brands also no longer require as much physical space for employees and work spaces. Ultimately, brands can save a ton of money on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis by switching to work-from-home situations wherever possible.

Without the expensive and inconvenient overhead associated with traditional work spaces, brands and employees can find improved happiness and performance. Working from home is increasingly practical for many brands that operate in the digital world and beyond: whether you’re pinging websites with products and content or simply fielding customer inquiries, working from home can be done efficiently by most businesses.

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