Find Keywords with These Secret Sources

0 comments, 16/09/2014, by , in SEO

Find KeywordsThe art of finding new keywords in an internet atmosphere that is more competitive than ever can be trying. Fortunately, we have a variety of utilities to make digging for keywords much easier. Some people are willing to pay big bucks to find these hidden gems, but others have realized that a bit of old-fashioned hard work can unveil a plethora of opportunities for free. There are still a variety of sources for keywords out there that can yield great results, but are you aware of them? Below, we will discuss some “secret sources” that you can use to find a litany of keyword combinations that will rank well and that are in demand.


As it turns out, Wikipedia can be a great source for new, hot keywords! In order to utilize Wikipedia to its fullest for this purpose, you’ll simply need to use Google to inquire. Start out by using the “inurl:Wikipedia” command, combined with a topic that you plan to target. Once you have started pinging search engines, you can then begin examining the SERPs in order to target and find the most relevant terms and potential keywords in a Wikipedia page. Using other elements on the page – such as the table of contents – you’ll be able to find additional ideas for keywords and phrases. From here, you can branch out to other related Wikipedia pages and find even more keywords.

Google AutoComplete

The best insight into the human brain, Google now seems to read our thoughts, pick up on trends and is capable of indexing an immense amount of information. Why is AutoComplete such a powerful source for potential keywords (other than what we just mentioned)? For starters, it will spit out some of the most popular keyword variations on command – you may be able to use some of these in targeting new niches, while others may be automatically eliminated from consideration due to their popularity. Keywords via AutoComplete are ranked by an algorithm that pertains to freshness, which ensures that more popular results are pinging search engines, with less popular results further down. With this information, you can dig through AutoComplete results and create list upon list of potential keywords and phrases.

Competitors’ Keywords

Last but not least, you’ll want to take a look at what your competitors are using to ascend search engine rankings. How can this be done? There are multiple ways to engage in this sort of behaviour, but we’ll keep it limited to a simple and free solution. Start off by googling your most desired keywords. From here, check out the organic results and view the page source. At this point, you’ll start looking for a variety of tags that indicate keyword targeting. These tags include the “<title”> and “<h1>” tags, which are used to make them stick out to search engines. Most keywords will be enclosed within brackets, so you can gaze through the code to find multiple potential phrases that are working for your competitors.


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