Crawl Into The Mind of Google – Four Hints At Understanding Search

1 comment, 19/03/2013, by , in Google

Google MindMany people do not realize the extent to which Google has worked its way into our daily lives. Once just a small project, the huge conglomerate now controls approximately two-thirds of all search traffic and in use virtually worldwide. If you have fetched any sort of information lately, chances are that Google has contributed at least some to that process – even if you are not directly searching via Google. By peeling back the layers to determine what really goes into making the giant search engine function, we all can gain valuable insight as to how we can better optimize our sites in key search results.

Understanding the Elements At Work

Upon entering a key phrase or question into Google, it will immediately send out a seemingly countless number of calculations and commands, pinging the servers for various forms of information in order to provide the most relevant search results possible. While it is practically futile to attempt to break down every element of this process, you can gain some knowledge of how Google determines what you see and what you don’t based on their large history of revisions and updates to their algorithms. Ultimately, Google strives to be a deliverer of content that is desired by all.

An Evolving Engine

Google has been making tweaks and revisions to its platform for nearly fifteen years now, so it comes as no surprise that the Google of today barely resembles the Google of yesteryear. Some of the constants, however, in understanding Google include: knowing that it always promotes content-rich sites that deliver consistent, quality material; a healthy balance of links that is not an attempt to game the system; the overall speed of your website, and sites that are completely free of malware, invisible text and are properly secure. In other words, a properly maintained and secured website is what Google gives preference to in the end.

Favourites of Google

While we may not understand the intricate elements of what makes the mighty search engine choose its preferences, we do understand to some extent what it views favourably and unfavourably. Evergreen and cornerstone content are long-favourites of the search engine, as they provide an immense amount of valuable information and are relatively static. We know now that Google takes into account social signals (likes, shares, tweets, favourites), so it is no longer in SEO vain to want these elements present in your strategy. If websites are pinging the servers of Google with personalised content aimed at supplying information on a particular product or service, that is likewise likely to receive additional emphasis in search results.

The Inevitable Loopholes

Throughout its history, Google has been fixing loopholes and exploits in its algorithms that allow webmasters to take advantage of a particular situation. Many people believe that the best tricks are long gone. Still, people are finding ways to game the system every single day. In researching and understanding the latest developments and changes to the algorithm, you may be able to find a potential, temporary gain in the way your site is perceived by Google. Just as much as you can count on finding a new exploit, though, you can count on it being fixed at some point in the future – with a penalty for you if proper rectifying actions are not taken immediately.

One comment

  1. March 23rd, 2013 15:38

    Another point to take into account; has anyone realized just how much commercial advertising the Big G is getting? Come to think of it, Facebook, Twitter, and various other Internet entity icons are raking it in as a result of their online advertising/socialization strategies. These companies are benefitting heavily, yet only now starting to revenue share with the user base that helped make them the monsters they are currently.


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