Augment SEO and Content Strategies with These Tips

0 comments, 18/02/2014, by , in Online Business, SEO

Tips TilesAs the internet continues to become a more and more competitive environment, webmasters and content creators are in search of ways to be more persuasive with their audiences and search engines alike. It used to take very little effort to rank on the first page of most SERPs, but the increased monetization of the internet has created an environment where websites are forced to develop new methods in order to guarantee continued exposure. Some SEO tactics have long been useful, while others are relatively new and provide potential benefit. If you want to perform better in key SERPs and need new content ideas to help facilitate that, then continue reading to find out about some highly recommended strategies for success.

Do Video Reviews and Testimonials

One great way to be pinging for SEO while also convincing others of the merit of your products and services is through the use of video reviews and testimonials. Not only do search engines love to see multimedia content associated with your domain name and brand, but users will find the content informative and easy to share. Video and photos are much more popular via social media, so it is highly likely that you will generate additional social signals from their use as well. These social signals can also help reinforce your ranking in select SERPs. These reviews and testimonials should be relatively short (two to three minutes) and contain honest information about the functionality of the service or product.

Provide Unique Coverage

If you want to encourage a spike in visitors and increased clout in a niche, you can use unique coverage and content as a way to facilitate this trend. Search engines will find that the content you are hosting is original and that users are flocking to view it, both of which are good for higher rankings. Unique coverage of events may entail live footage from a special event, conference or show that is either relevant to your brand or the industry in which you operate. Such special coverage can be a great way to develop a bigger presence on social media as well, giving you multiple opportunities to hype the coverage beforehand and direct users to both your website and social media profiles.

Compile Roundups

You want to feature content on your website that is irresistible and makes others want to share it, so the use of roundups on your blog or site can be one excellent way to accomplish that. Many blogs use this as a way to create an enticing weekly or monthly post with news, videos and other information from all around the web. Not only can this help you be pinging for SEO through the act of content being shared and viewed time and time again, but back links can also be obtained through these sites. Many will ultimately link back to you as they promote the fact that they have been featured or listed elsewhere.


Augmenting your SEO and content strategies certainly takes time and can include any of dozens of possible tactics. While you may already have some methods that work, we highly recommend that you consider a periodic roundup of industry sites, coverage of unique events and video reviews or testimonials to boost your credibility with readers and search engines.


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