Uncover the Secrets of Increased Landing Page Traffic

In these highly competitive times, online brands must utilize every advantage and tactic available to them. This can include a variety of strategies, but the end-all, be-all goal for most brands is to attract as much traffic as possible.

There are many ways in which this can be done. From organic traffic via search engines and social media to email marketing and PPC campaigns, driving traffic is the primary goal of the process. Even though traffic alone does not mean you’ll achieve the conversions or results you want, without any traffic, those tasks become impossible.

As such, landing pages are very popular options for brands seeking to brand traffic via social media, PPC campaigns and email marketing. We’ll take a look at this dynamic and outline some simple methods through which you can generate even more traffic for these pages.

Optimize Your Existing Strengths

Where exactly is each of your landing pages currently doing the best? Are there certain email formats that drive more clicks to your page, or select search engine results pages that are providing the bulk of your performance? If so and depending on how strong these performances currently are, you may want to double-down and try to improve performance in these areas even more.

Likewise, if you are deploying multiple variations of a particular landing page format or style, it may be worth trying to maximize visibility for them in similar niches as well. In the end, some pages – and some channels through which they are gaining exposure – are simply better targets.

If your page(s) have strong performances in a wide variety of areas, however, then optimizing performance in weaker areas (search results pages, specific email campaigns, PPC campaign formats, etc) may need a second look.

Connect Your Pages

While it’s easy to think about pinging links to other websites, search engines and target audiences, it is equally important to consider how links to and from your own pages can further funnel qualified traffic.

While landing pages often function as standalone conversion mills, there is no reason not to connect valid, relevant pages on your main website to these offerings as well. Those who do click are far more likely to interact in the desired manner by the fact that they are already interested in your website and brand.

Uncover What Audiences Want

While targeting a particular audience based on demographics or interests is easy enough, it is not the end-all, be-all of landing page mastery. Not only must you identify audiences that are generally receptive to your message, but you must also put these pages in front of them in the right settings and with the right intent.

Ultimately, pinging links to an otherwise receptive audience that doesn’t connect with them at the time and place where they wish to interact, purchase or subscribe isn’t going to deliver the same level of traffic and results as reaching out to them at the right moment in time.

As such, consider carefully audience intent and context when deploying campaigns or targeting select search results.

By reaching audiences at the right moment, creating internal connections throughout your website and optimizing areas where you are already performing well, you can create a more efficient marketing process that delivers more traffic to your landing pages.

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