For many years, content creators and brands have relied on keywords as one of the many ways to target audiences and inform search engines of their website's intent. The term “keyword” seems simple enough: something that provides contextual value to those who happen to discover it. Yet keyword... Read more...
For more than 20 years, search engines have strived to take simple commands from users and translate that into valuable, complex information. Being able to navigate the sheer size of the internet and find what you need is nearly impossible without the use of search engines. As time has progressed, t... Read more...
At the core of any effectively search engine optimization strategy is a need for ample keyword research. Keyword research allows brands and businesses to more adeptly focus their efforts in a variety of channels and categories that are likely to yield the most results. For many, researching keywords... Read more...
For years, the majority of SEO experts focused their attention towards keyword research as a central component in every campaign. In the early days of SEO, the practice of keyword stuffing allowed even the spammiest sites to somehow earn top rankings. However, as Google and other search engines have... Read more...
A few years ago, keywords were really important to site owners. The entire SEO campaign revolved around keywords being selected and targeted for the site. In fact, Google and other search engines ranked websites solely based on keywords appearing on the pages and links. Today, however, search eng... Read more...
When it comes to web content, keywords are one of the most important factors you need to consider. Using keywords in the proper manner will help you create a better, busier website. Below is a basic guide for those who want to use keywords more effectively in their web content. Research First of a... Read more...
Search engine optimization continues to be an exciting art that requires plenty of research and investment. Whether you're spending time, money or both in order to produce results (and it's likely both), finding ways to beat back the competition remains a top priority. Many brands are now trying to ... Read more...
Building an impressive SEO presence for your website or blog is one of the hardest tasks imaginable on the web today. Not only does it take a significant amount of effort and dedication, but it also takes time – both passively and directly – in order to improve your overall reach and rankings. K... Read more...
Search engine optimization requires a ton of dedication and proper planning. With dozens of tiny and not-so-tiny elements to consider, it can be difficult to know where more focus is needed from time to time. At the core of SEO, quality content, technical precision and optimal targeting are always n... Read more...
Those in the business of paid advertising and marketing strategies understand that there is value in minimizing overall costs. The notion of cost per acquisition (CPA) remains one of the most important metrics when making decisions about marketing on search engines and social media. If the CPA is lo... Read more...