How to Boost Your Website’s SERPs via Google Plus

0 comments, 05/11/2013, by , in SEO, Social Media

SerpsThere are a number of ways in which you can improve a website’s performance in select search results. Whether you wish to build links across the internet, advertise via Google and other search engines, target specific keywords or utilize social media, there is a strategy for almost every business. Not all strategies work permanently nor provide lasting benefits, but the art of social media has become an increasingly important element in how search engines view websites and brands alike. If your website currently performs below par or could use extra growth, then you can use Google Plus to improve the result. Below, we will discuss Google Plus’ influence on the process and how you can take advantage of this in order to boost exposure in SERPs.

Expand Your Profile

Sometimes, it is best to start off with both a Google Plus profile for your page and an authorship profile. Whenever you create content, it can be synced with your Google Plus account and give notoriety to your name or brand. As you interact with other content creators and add them to your Google Plus circles, you will begin to see more of their content in your own search results. The opposite is also true, so you can use this as a way to boost your content’s exposure in select niches and boost shares, re-tweets and other social signals.

Create Original Content

In order for this strategy to work, you will need to be pinging networks with original content. A simple rehash of previously covered topics and points will not generate enough buzz to help snowball your long-term exposure. When searching for ideas, you will want to consider current events, industry news, multimedia options and off-topic or semi-related interests of your readers. The articles and updates via social media and your website should not just pertain to you or your business – not very interesting for most readers. Again, as you create compelling content, Google’s algorithms with its SERPs and Google Plus will boost your overall exposure with continued effort.

Optimize Keyword Content

The causal link between Google’s search engine and social media network in and of itself is not enough to produce miracles. You need to also make your content optimized for search engines as you would with any traditional content. If you want to be on the first page of SERPs for “pinging networks”, for instance, then that phrase will need to be incorporated at an appropriate density within your content. The overall density of the keyword can vary but should never exceed three percent of the total amount of content. With multimedia, you can use tags and titles to convey this association.

Google Plus has deep associations with the search engine that can yield great results when used properly. The overall best way to improve your SERP performance is to create quality content that targets these results. Once you have expanded your Google Plus influence, you will then proceed to create quality content as usual and optimize keyword content in order to ensure that the full correlation is conveyed to Google.

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