Posts tagged with Sitemap

Comments Off on Why Your Website Needs an XML Sitemap, 15/12/2021, by in Web Design

Even though XML sitemaps have been around since 2015, it is surprising that there are so many websites that do not have one. Sitemaps have become a critical component of SEO because they tell search engine bots and spiders the structure of your website so they can easily crawl the website and find a... Read more...

Comments Off on Why Every Website Needs a Sitemap, 16/10/2019, by in Online Business, Web Design

The internet is arguably just one major complicated web of interconnected entities that seemingly stretch forever. This terminology isn’t off-base, as many people historically referred to it as “the world wide web”. Despite this, the reality of the internet is that it is billions of devices an... Read more...

Comments Off on Your Large Website Can’t Rank Well Without a Sitemap, 15/04/2014, by in SEO, Web Design

Once a very popular feature on almost every site on the internet, the sitemap served many different functions. For starters, it was a great way to help first-time visitors to a site find what they were looking for; in some cases, simple categories weren’t enough to adequately break down the relati... Read more...