Mini-sites have long been a source of revenue for many marketers who have a simple product or service to offer. Many people are familiar with mini-sites, but may not understand what the name entails. Whenever you have been redirected to a website for a marketing pitch or e-book, a mini-site usually ... Read more...
The role of social media in our daily lives has produced a microcosm through which people stay informed of the latest events and can look at certain subjects via a filter quite easily. As a result of the rapid growth that social media has experienced, countless brands and businesses have flocked to ... Read more...
As hundreds of millions of people from all across the world continue to plug in and join the rest of the world in the ever expanding global marketplace, the demand for web-based content continues to grow at a rapid rate. Not all content, however, is created equally – this couldn’t be truer than ... Read more...
Most people are agreed that the old adage is true – if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right! If you’re in the business of creating content, then this should be your mantra. If there’s one thing that Google tells us over and over again, it’s that the best content rises to the top, and... Read more...
Regardless of your website's niche or target audience, there is a certain type of content that is ideal for their tastes. As a webmaster, blogger or content creator, it is your job to determine which subjects and styles work best for your audience. As content marketing continues to play a more promi... Read more...
In the world of online promotion, search engine marketing and content creation, many businesses and brands have fallen into niche markets where targeted content can perform well. As the internet continues to grow, however, and more and more people are pinging search engines with even fairly nuanced ... Read more...
Content creation is a very broad and multifaceted aspect of the internet, with possibilities and opportunities in virtually every niche and industry. Many individuals earn their livings through the production of blog posts, infographics, videos, e-books and other forms of content, each of which can ... Read more...
Anyone who is in the business of content creation knows that there are times when it seems like those creative juices simply stop flowing. Whether it is writer’s block or a lack of new material, it can be very frustrating to struggle with the act of content creation for your blog or website. Many ... Read more...
It is often repeated that quality content is the backbone of any successful web venture, but many people do not understand just how important the consistency of said content is to a long-term strategy. In the past, it was easy to throw a website together and make a quick buck when little to no compe... Read more...
Over the past year or so, social signals have gained an increased amount of attention in terms of how they relate to search engine optimization and therefore the performance of your website. While this was not a subject in years past, it has quickly exploded and has many schools of thought on the ma... Read more...