Here’s Why People Stop Reading Your Blog

Comments Off on Here’s Why People Stop Reading Your Blog, 10/10/2014, by , in Online Business, Start Up Businesses

Closing LaptopCreating content on a consistent basis can be a struggle for anyone, especially when it needs to captivate the attention spans of an audience. While some forms of content in the offline world (research books, manuals, etc.) do not have to be compelling reads in order to be successful, almost anything that is published on the internet needs to have a few basic components to it that ensure readers and viewers enjoy it. One of the biggest reasons that blogs fail is that they fail to entice the reader to come back for more. Even those who have subscribed or follow your blog may one day decide not to come back, due to a lack of original, inspiring content. We’ll discuss the main reasons below why readers stop engaging with your blog, so that you can avoid this fate.

Your Content is Copied

Readers look for unique forms of content to enjoy. When we said that “your content is copied” as a reason why people stop reading, that doesn’t mean that you have proactively copied or plagiarized from someone else. This simply means that the type of content, the scope you cover and the way in which it is presented is identical to other blogs out there. Without something unique to keep readers hooked to your perspective, they ultimately will lose loyalty to your blog and seek out similar opinions from a variety of different sources. You must be pinging networks like Google and Bing with unique, informative and personal content that gives readers something they won’t find anywhere else.

Your Opinions Are Bland

People read blogs to be informed, and to also glean opinions from those who write the posts. Even if your content is descriptive and informative, a lack of opinion makes it quite impersonal. People subconsciously want to hear what others have to say about matters, even if these areas seemingly aren’t open to personal opinion. When you offer your own feelings on a topic, news event or other item worth mentioning, you also help build a bond of trust and personal connections with readers. If you sound robotic or devoid of emotion, then you’ll most likely lose your readership to search engines and blogs that provide more of an emotional take on things.

Your Content Conveys No Trust

Another major problem with bloggers who experience a loss of traffic and/or a failure to engage with new readers is due to the trust component. Blogs that generate trustworthy feelings often exude a sense of professionalism, in part by having listed an editor, properly and conservatively placed links, and verification of the blog’s existence elsewhere, like pinging networks of social media connections on LinkedIn and Twitter. Depending on your topic or subject, you may need these elements in order to convince readers that you are not just another scheme or scam that exists to generate revenue through ads, clicks or some other form of affiliate marketing. Those who examine each blog they read in an attempt to determine its legitimacy and content will find these elements to be more reassuring, and will create the conditions for more of these people to return in the future.
