Five Great Ways to Spread Your Advertising Budget

0 comments, 07/12/2012, by , in Marketing

Nobody has to tell you that your small business is important. Even more so is the way in which you allocate funds for any advertising efforts – whether they be conventional banners or social media targeting. If you have ads pinging to Google, Bing or other platforms and want to get the best bang for your buck, then you absolutely have to take the proper initial steps to ensure that your funds are being allocated in the best way possible. No two businesses are the same, so it is up to you to determine which venues are appropriate for your advertisements. The following article will help streamline that process regardless of ambition.

Market Research

Prior to placing any orders for advertisements, you first need to understand who exactly you are trying to reach through your efforts. Is your business attempting to market a product to the 18-25 demographic or stay-at-home moms? Knowing the exact target market of your product or service is not only vital for advertising but also required for any measurable success. Many upstarts make the mistake of failing to determine their audience, something that often leads to a higher rate of failure for those businesses.

Review Past Attempts

If you have used advertising campaigns in the past, then it is imperative that you review the results and assess your prior performance. Were the ad campaigns that had been pinging to Google and others effective in terms of click through rate? Which ads did well and which ones did not in terms of conversions, leads and sales? Having this information readily available helps you avoid making the same mistakes once again.

Assess Your Niche

Every niche and industry is different in terms of what advertising approach works best to attract like-minded users. If you are attempting to reach people in the consumer electronics category, for instance, then you will want to emphasize a heavily-reliant online campaign that may feature an intense amount of social networking outreach. On the other hand, a less technologically-savvy niche may find advertising to be more effective with traditional web advertising methods.

What Are Your Goals?

Every business should have a stated and concrete goal when it comes to what they want to achieve through advertising. A failure to determine how much additional revenue is to be generated or how many new visitors should be attracted to the site will ultimately lead to overall failure for your advertising campaign. There are many advertising solutions available that may be suited for your business depending on whether you wish to increase traffic, increase sales or increase community engagement.

Diversify Your Advertising

Even if you have settled on one particular format for your advertising campaign, you will still want to create multiple variations to test the success of each approach. Having all of your eggs in one basket can lead to failure if the initial ads were all poorly-designed or failed to attract the attention of viewers. By using different images, text and forms of persuasion in each ad, you will have a better chance of finding that perfect solution that drives traffic to your site. From there, you can then design multiple ads that revolve around that premise.

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